About us

META Circularity is an innovation advisory.

Established in 2012, META Circularity is an innovation protagonist supporting clients with the design and implementation of innovative business models and transformative processes in the context of circularity, sustainability and technology transfer. In partnerships we are devoted to ecosystem innovations, facilitating the absorption of novel technologies and client-orientated solutions to meet meaningful uses.

We focus on change. We help change happen by contextualising it, positioning all stakeholders in their relevant roles.

META Circularity supports innovative start-ups as well on their exploitation pathways towards technology maturation and investor readiness offering advice, professional training and capacity building and works with as SMEs and other innovative organisations on their innovation adoption.

META Circularity also provides strategic communications and stakeholder relations support in the context of innovation and transformation environments.

Assuring progress is the core value of our endeavour. Progress cannot be accomplished without the ability to undertake responsibility pertaining to individual‘s role in an organisation, neither can it be achieved overlooking transparency and respect. Furthermore, understanding identities represents our continuous challenge and starting point for business cooperation and societal integration and cohesion.

META Circularity is an affiliated entity with META Group: www.meta-group.com.

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Our services

We act as a consultancy, an advisory partner and as a management company pursuing long-term relationship with our clients and partners.

In collaboration with our clients, we create and transforms business models towards a higher degree of sustainability and circularity.

We create identities of innovation orientated partnerships and regenerate brands into “service media brands”. We do it by the understanding the role of the media, through branding, social innovation and service design.

We act as a partner of evolving innovation ecosystems. We engage stakeholders into their meaningful roles and develop required competences to maximise effectiveness of innovation alliances. We support the maturation of emerging technologies and their investment readiness.

Strategic corporate advisory & Innovations ecosystem design

  • Corporate and SME advisory on circular transformation
  • Ecosystem development and intermediaries engagement
  • Innovation ecosystems design
  • Development of circular business models and strategies
  • Investments advisory and investment management

Dissemination & Exploitation for research and innovation

  • Support in translating research into innovation
  • Developing dissemination and exploitation strategies
  • Raising awareness on exploitation possibilities
  • Setting-up roadmaps for the long-term effect of the results
  • Analysis of Exploitation Risks

META Circularity is the promoter and provider of the Circular Business Academy, a service and inclusion platform that engages clients into different forms of training and capacity-building for professionals, decision-makers and practitioners in companies and other organisations to accelerate circular transformations.

Our initiatives

Circular innovation and sustainability

North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley

The North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley is the first European transnational initiative intended to establish a dedicated hydrogen valley. The three-country partnership, features 34 organisations and covers the entire chain, from production to storage and distribution to the end use of hydrogen in various sectors, mainly industry and transport. Key industrial stakeholders from all three countries will develop pilot projects for the production of more than 5,000 tonnes of green hydrogen per year from renewable energy sources and its storage, distribution and use.

The main objective of this EU Horizon initiative is to develop a set of innovative technologies aimed at exploiting the potential of End-of-Life (EoL) complex composite waste (mainly carbon fiber reinforced composites, and glass fiber reinforced composites) as a feed-stock for profitable reuse of parts and materials in the manufacturing industry.

META Circularity’s role is to set and establish communication, dissemination and exploitation strategy to a comprehensive framework that will be directed toward reaching out to potential stakeholders. Furthermore, META Circularity develops a circularity assessment model for emerging technologies being developed under RECREATE and a capacity building programme for the increase of their circularity potential.

RADIANT is intended to demonstrate successful transitions to inclusive agrobiodiversity systems; making underdeveloped crops become more competitive; maximise agriculture sustainable production; expand their environmental, social and nutritional recognition; offer solutions for integration into profitable value chains, based on political, social and governance innovations and empower society to integrate these foods into their diets.

META Circularity is a part of the initiative through META Group SRL, engaged in the development of decision support system aiming to boost business models for a successful penetration of underutilised crops in the context of dynamic value chains.


SMILEce is an Erasmus+ initiative that targets the ever evolving Micro-Brewery industry across Europe. SMILEce is offering incumbents and new entrants, exposure to new techniques, culture and ideas from circular economy (CE).

META Circularity is engaged in developing a circularity assessment tool for the circularity level of microbreweries and developing contents for a digital learning course that’s designed to improve and update work-based learning methodologies


META Circularity played an important role in this initiative and contributed key expertise in the field of circular economy, circular business models and circular transformation. In the framework of the project, we upgraded our Circularity Assessment Score tool and designed a digital platform through which training for businesses was delivered. Furthermore, we carried out “train-the-trainers” workshops (Operators Training Course) as well as the Circular Acceleration Training (CAT4.0) for SMEs and provided experts and consulting services to more than 20 Slovenian SMEs selected by Tehnoloski park Ljubljana and Jozef Stefan Institute.


EMBRACE aims at improving the opportunities and access to the European labour market for immigrants recently arrived from countries outside the EU. Often immigrants arrive without any documental evidence of their previous studies or professional experience. And even if they possess them they cannot be validated because in EU countries there hardly exist any instruments for the validation and certification of skills and competences of immigrants which hinders their labour market integration.

Corporate advisory

Sustainability reporting

META Circularity supported the initiation and the first reporting cycle at the largest cement producer in Slovenia – Salonit Anhovo.

Development strategy for Primorski dnevnik

Primorski dnevnik is a publisher and an ominous daily newspaper in Slovenian language seated in Trieste, Italy. META Circularity has developed a strategy and carried out a market research among readers based on a survey. The challenge of new development strategy is to embrace digital publishing channels and address more vigorously younger generations of readers.

Slovenian Institute for Standardisation (SIST)

META Circularity developed a communication strategy in the support of the new national standardisation strategy for SIST, the Slovenian Institute for Standardisation . We provided the support to the implementation of the communication strategy by actively engaging key stakeholders and ambassadors of standardisation in Slovenia.

Investor readiness and investment advisory

Scaleup academy at Incubator Sežana

The Scale-up Academy Sežana is aimed at start-ups that have recognized potential for rapid growth and an already developed solution. The programme consists of training, simulation and coaching modules by external experts, who will work alongside entrepreneurs to advise them on how to make their business plan more attractive to stakeholders. The first part of the programme includes eight training modules that will be organised with all the companies involved, for an in-depth, theoretical approach to the private financing sector.


Jurij Giacomelli

Founder & Managing Director

Darja Rogelj

Project Manager

Sebastian Žužek

Advisor and Project Manager

Massimo Sbarbaro


Tanami Pirnat Kopač

Digital Communications and Dissemination Expert

Justi Carey

Language Consultant

Ivana Milivojevic

Project Manager and Content Creator

Miha Jerovec

Communication and Graphic Designer

META Group

Pool of META’s innovation and exploitation experts


META Circularity, advisory and innovation, Ltd

Registration number (Matična številka): 6245641000
VAT No. (ID za DDV): SI 48018830
PIC number: 914861709
Bank account: SI 56 1010 0005 1264 204
Intesa Sanpaolo Bank, Pristaniška ulica 14, 6502 Koper-Capodistria, Slovenia

Seat: Kersnikova ulica 12, 1000 Ljubljana
Office: Trdinova ulica 9, 1000 Ljubljana
E: info@meta-circularity.eu
T: +386 41 697 635